1. Who is Cyrille Mald? CEO of Rum Intelligence SAS, the organizing company of the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards, the international competition covering the combined expertise of the Rum Fest Paris and Rum Fest London, proud to bring together the skills of the world’s leading specialists in the field. Writer (Iconic Whisky, Iconic Rum – soon), columnist (La Revue […]
International Sugarcane Spirits Awards: la competizione del futuro che celebra il rum
Benvenuti nella prima competizione 4.0, dove la qualità è alle stelle, lo svolgimento impeccabile e a giudicare è il gotha. Dimenticate infinite sessioni di tasting, dinamiche ogni tanto oscure, incoerenza o confusione: gli International Sugarcane Spirits Awards si candidano a diventare modello per l’industria del beverage e in generale per il panorama fieristico internazionale.
Nacen los International Sugarcane Spirits Awards
Los equipos del Rhum Fest Paris, del Rum Fest London y la revista Rumporter se han unido para lanzar los International Sugarcane Spirits Awards, la mayor competición de rones y otros destilados de caña de azúcar hasta la fecha. Un panel de 36 catadores de los cinco continentes valorará a ciegas 22 categorías y premiará los mejores productos del año.
Launching a tasting contest of a new kind – interview with Cyr Mald, its president.
Rumporter: Hello Cyrille, you’ve announced recently to our colleagues at Singlecast the creation of the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards, which is a whole new kind of competition. Can you tell us more? Who are the people behind this project?[…]
Lancement des ISS Awards
ISS c’est le nom de la Station spatiale internationale qui passionne les geeks de l’exploration spatiale. Mais c’est dorénavant un sigle qui sera apprécié et recherché par les amateurs de la canne à sucre : les International Sugarcane Spirits awards qui ont pour objectif de mettre sur orbite les meilleurs alcools à base de canne […]